Marking an accomplishment in your life, creating gifts for loved ones, or just simply proud of who you are... 

a photo session is the perfect way to show yourself off! 


Please scroll to the bottom of this page for Personal Portrait pricing information.



******************** Build-Your-Own SESSION ****************** 


Sitting fees - $125.00 each hour, $80.00 each half hour.

Print Pricing – Please review our "Print Pricing" Tab. 

Locations of your choosing within the area (20 mile radius).


Creative Photo Editing - $75.00

Blemish removal, airbrushing, black & whites, Sepia, Softening, framing, color vibrance, and cropping (usually takes approx. 4 hours per full session.) (10-25% of all photos are edited, Photographer chooses the photos and the editing tools).


Un-copyrighted CD of images taken - $125.00

Use this CD to print whatever, whenever you want! You have full rights to all images! Includes originals taken and all photo edits,





A non-refundable booking fee of 50% of your order total will be required to reserve your appointment. This fee will be used towards your total cost. 


Photos are taken primarily in an outdoor setting of your choice. In the case of poor weather conditions, your appointment may need to be rescheduled.


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